Auricle is a new way to tune in to our community and learn about what matters most.

We’re a network of everyday folks who listen to each other’s experiences of wellbeing, all so we can use the power of story to bring us together. 

If we asked you to tell us how satisfied you are with life, on a scale of 1 to 10, we wouldn’t know what the numbers say. Is your version of wellbeing the same as the person next to you? With Auricle, you tell us what wellbeing means and how community shapes it.

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Meaningful measurement

Auricle facilitates the shift from top-down data collection to community-driven storytelling & sense-making. In 2021, we tested Auricle in Edmonton’s Alberta Avenue neighbourhood. In 2023, Auricle moved to transit. In 2025, we’re deepening our engagement with Edmonton’s Transit Service and broadening the stories we tell about place. Meet us at an upcoming activation!

Through Auricle, we initiate conversations, record every day moments with city residents, and host story sharing events. We’re interested in the many ways people seek and find wellbeing, and what helps or hinders their sense of connection. To put it simply, we want to know how people are well, not just if they are well.

Not “How well you are”, but “

How you are well”

Our hope is that by better understanding what wellbeing looks and feels like to people, by listening with care and reverence, and by sharing stories back to the community, we can:

1. strengthen local relationships and local ownership over data

2. spark richer public conversations, and

3. enable communities to better direct resources and supports. 


Stay in touch

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